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How to Survive a Sinking Car

How to Survive a Sinking Car

The Crucial Steps to take to escape yourself and your children from a sinking car after an accident.

Good news, it is possible to successfully extricate yourself from a sinking vehicle, but it is imperative to act and move quickly. In a situation of panic, now is not the time to learn these steps for the first time.

Understand and remember the steps survival in the event of vehicle submersion is crucial in the precious seconds when your life is on the line.

You have 30 seconds, one minute maximum, to help you (and your passengers) get out of trouble. What to do ?


  1. Don't touch your phone and do not attempt to call for help until you have left your car. Time is critical, and every second must be spent getting out of the car safely. By the time rescuers arrive, it will likely be too late, as your vehicle will likely be completely submerged.

  2. Don't try to open the doors. It will be almost impossible to do this against water pressure, and it will cause the car to sink even faster.

  3. Do not wait until the vehicle sinks further and fills with water to try to get out and escape.

So, what to do? Remember the following steps:

  1. Seatbelt,
  2. Window,
  3. Get out: Children first.

1. Unfastened Seat Belt

The first step is to free yourself from your constraints as quickly as possible — unbuckle your seat belt.

2. Window Down

Then, as counterintuitive as it may seem, roll down the window. Most modern vehicles are equipped with power windows, which are not guaranteed to work underwater, but they should work in the first moments of submersion.

Experts estimate that you will have between 30 seconds and one minute before the water rises to a point where the pressure will force the window against the door jamb, making it impossible to lower. That is why lowering the window even precedes rescuing your child who can be in a car seat in the back.

If you cannot lower the window, you will have to break it. A popular tool is the window breaker keychain, which uses a spring mechanism to break the glass. This emergency tool also works underwater. Make sure your escape tools are always at hand so you can use them on time.

If your headrests are removable, you can also use them for break your windows, although this requires some force and is not as quick or effective as a window breaker.

3. Get out

If you have some children in car seats, untie them, from oldest to youngest. Older children are more likely to escape and return to the surface on their own, so bring them out in that order.

The key to saving your children in a sinking car is to take them out before you, because it is extremely difficult to do it if you go out first.

It will be daunting, battling the torrent of incoming water, but experts encourage you to persevere because it is possible. It can be easy to lose direction in murky waters; To know where to swim underwater, swim in the direction of the rising air bubbles.

Last Resort Measure

If you cannot escape through the windows, there is still a slim hope. Once the water fills the interior of the car, the pressure will equalize and you can open the door. When this happens, take a deep breath of the last air you have, open the door and get out.


Faced with the terrifying reality of a sinking car, these crucial steps can mean the difference between life and death, especially when children are on board. By prioritizing the rapid release of the seat belt, the lowering of the window, and the orderly evacuation of children, you considerably increase the chances of survival.

Tools as a window breaker or one belt cutter can also play a crucial role, but it is essential to have them at hand.

Never forget : 1. the belt, 2. the window, 3. the exit, with particular attention paid to the safety of children.

Considering this article as a call for preparation, let's act now to make sure everyone knows how to respond in the event of a similar emergency. The lives of our loved ones, and ours, depend on it.

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